AM In The PM #23: Our Biggest Inspirations

We each have some very important people that have impacted our lives without them even knowing it. In this episode, we list the people that have influenced us the most and explain how our lives have gotten better because of them.

Check out Amanda’s influences:
MadFit (Fitness)
Taylor Swift (Life)
Lauren Giraldo (Self-care/Life)

Check out Mark’s influences:
Dave Ramsey (Personal Finance)
BeatTheBush (Personal Finance)
Graham Stephan (Personal Finance)
Ryan Scribner (Personal Finance)
Gary Vaynerchuk (Business/Marketing)
Joe Rogan (Podcasting/Life)
Maxx Chewning (Fitness/Business/Life)
Christian Guzman (Fitness/Business/Life)
Jordan Peterson (Life)
Elon Musk (Entrepreneurship)


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